We’re always excited when it’s time for a new release. But for this particular release, we’re exceptionally elated. It’s not just because of how long we’ve been waiting, or all of the work that went into growing, harvesting and producing this wine. It’s also because this release is an incredible encapsulation of one of our finest growing seasons. And we can’t wait for you to try it.

We’re very pleased to introduce our 2019 Pinot Noir Reserve. Let’s take a closer look at this crimson beauty, and what makes it so special.


About the growing season

2019 was a banner year for growing grapes in the Grand River Valley. It was rainy when we needed it. It was dry when we needed it. The sun was extremely cooperative. And the outstanding conditions were fully reflected in the fruit that grew on our vines.

For this wine, we enhanced growing conditions even further by using a 100% leaf removal strategy in the fruit zone. This approach is just what it sounds like, and it gives the grapes the best view of the sun as well as optimal wind exposure, keeping them as dry as possible.

We also continuously thinned the fruit on our vines. It may seem counterintuitive, cutting off the berries we work so hard to grow. But it allows the vines to concentrate their energy into the fruit that remains, and it guarantees that the grapes that make it to harvest are of the highest quality.


About the production

When harvest arrived, the fruit was field sorted, machine harvested and then sorted again, using our harvester’s “easy clean” system. This process removes anything that’s not a grape and ensures that the collective fruit is of the highest quality. It’s more work, but it was well worth it.

This wine was made from a portion of free-run juice, also known as noble juice or vin de goutte in French. This is the juice that runs naturally from the harvested grapes as they’re loaded into the press, before any pressing is commenced. Free-run juice is used to create high-quality wine that exhibits pure varietal characteristics.

As an added measure in preserving pure varietal character, we also chose to keep this Pinot Noir unfined and minimally filtered. It aged to perfection in French, Hungarian and American oak. Finally, we barrel selected our Reserve from the finest lot of the vintage.


About the wine

And now we’ve come to arguably the most important segment of our spotlight: How our 2019 Pinot Noir Reserve tastes. To use just a few words, we love it. And we think when you taste it, you will, too.

On the nose, enjoy delicate aromas of cherry and black raspberry mingling with harvest spices, earth and sandalwood. On the palate, savor notes of cinnamon and clove, along with an elegant body and a texture smooth as silk.

It’s graceful, refined and beautifully balanced. It’s also co-owner Tara Meineke’s favorite wine.

For a perfect pairing, try soft cheeses like Brie or Camembert, slow-braised meats, or pasta. It also makes a lovely accompaniment for a crisp Autumn evening cozying up by a fire.


About getting a bottle

Our 2019 Pinot Noir Reserve is available now through our online store. We ship to 40 states. You’re also welcome to try it at our estate. Our patio is open for fine fall afternoons, and our fireplace will be blazing on brisk evenings. We hope to serve you soon.